
Pretty Lights Music: The Path to Discovery

In many ways Derek earned a new level of credibility and respect as a musician on his Analog Future Tour. The live band took what has been adapted as “Electro Hip Hop” to the next level. A much, much higher level.

The sound waves leave the speakers and hum a melody so soothing your body naturally loosens and you can’t help but getting groovy on the dance floor. Then you feel the vibrations of the beats wash across the floor, soak into your shoes and electrify your entire body while simultaneously arousing your mind; right before transcending into your soul, leaving you with an undeniably overwhelming feeling of happiness.

I’ve been an avid Pretty Lights listener for years. I’ve seen him play over a dozen times and have always been extremely moved by his music. Every time I just close my eyes and listen. I could feel myself getting lost in the music and I swear it was speaking to my soul. As many times as I tried, I could never put into words the feeling his music gave me.

After seeing Pretty Lights in Chicago with the live band, I got that feeling yet again and it lingered for the days and even weeks that followed until it finally dawned on me. The answers I had been seeking finally surfaced and it all made sense….

It’s not about losing yourself, it’s about finding yourself.

Pretty Lights has always fostered this beautiful kind of remedy. Not just an escape, but more of a release. A release of all the tension, negativity and bullshit, that fogs our vision and holds us back from following our dreams. It’s like a full body cleanse ridding the mind and soul of the everyday pressures we so easily get lost in. It’s healing. It’s liberating. It instills in us this sense of hope and renewal. It unlocks the part of us constrained by fear and doubt, and inspires our souls to live freely.

It brings us to a state of mind that allows us to engage on a much deeper level… to connect with the world and each other in the same way the stars connect with the sky… to open our minds to new possibilities and discover our place, our purpose.

I’m not saying it happened overnight, or that Pretty Lights showed me the meaning of life. But it did inspire me to dig deeper and seek meaning, ultimately leading me toward a path of discovery; one that I explore everyday, and for that I am forever grateful.